Name Frequency

This program predicts the number of people having your name, based on U.S. Census data.
For the first or last name, you can enter multiple variations of the name separated by spaces, such as "Bob Robert Bobby Rob".

Enter a name:


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Probability of name "matthew thompson":
matthew (female): 0.002% (about 1 in 50000)
matthew (male): 0.657% (about 1 in 152)
Frequency of matthew (in either sex) is: 0.3295 percent
Frequency of thompson is: 0.269 percent (about 1 in 371)
This name is probably held by 1 in 112822 people.
This name will occur with probability 100.0 percent in 300000000 people.
This name will occur with probability 50% in every 78202 people.
There are probably 2659.1 people with this name in 300000000 people.

Alan Eliasen was born 19970 days, 21 hours, 5 minutes ago.

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